
Environment pH (pHe) is a key parameter dictating a surfeit of conditions critical to plant survival and fitness. To elucidate the mechanisms that recalibrate cytoplasmic and apoplastic pH homeostasis, we conducted a comprehensive proteomic/phosphoproteomic inventory of plants subjected to transient exposure to acidic or alkaline pH, an approach that covered the majority of protein-coding genes of the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Our survey revealed a large set-of so far undocumented pHe-dependent phospho-sites, indicative of extensive post-translational regulation of proteins involved in the acclimation to pHe. Changes in pHe altered both electrogenic H+ pumping via P-type ATPases and H+/anion co-transport processes, putatively leading to altered net trans-plasma membrane translocation of H+ ions. In pH 7.5 plants, the transport (but not the assimilation) of nitrogen via NRT2-type nitrate and AMT1-type ammonium transporters was induced, conceivably to increase the cytosolic H+ concentration. Exposure to both acidic and alkaline pH resulted in a marked repression of primary root elongation. No such cessation was observed in nrt2.1 mutants. Alkaline pH decreased the number of root hairs in the wild type but not in nrt2.1 plants, supporting a role of NRT2.1 in developmental signaling. Sequestration of iron into the vacuole via alterations in protein abundance of the vacuolar iron transporter VTL5 was inversely regulated in response to high and low pHe, presumptively in anticipation of associated changes in iron availability. A pH-dependent phospho-switch was also observed for the ABC transporter PDR7, suggesting changes in activity and, possibly, substrate specificity. Unexpectedly, the effect of pHe was not restricted to roots and provoked pronounced changes in the shoot proteome. In both roots and shoots, the plant-specific TPLATE complex components AtEH1 and AtEH2-essential for clathrin-mediated endocytosis-were differentially phosphorylated at multiple sites in response to pHe, indicating that the endocytic cargo protein trafficking is orchestrated by pHe.

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