
1. 1. Fourteen different protein-containing diets were fed to small alligators. Their rates of digestion and their nutritional values were determined by following changes in free amino acids in the plasma. 2. 2. Fish, chicken and nutria were digested rapidly and all their component essential amino acids disappeared quickly and at the same rate. When given in the dry, fat-free form the amino acids were released and assimilated about 50% faster than when fat was included. 3. 3. None of the isolated proteins tested (casein, gelatin, edestin, gliaclin, corn gluten and soy) proved nutritionally adequate and all but gelatin digested slowly and incompletely. 4. 4. One diet compounded of salts, vitamins and mixed commercial animal products was tested. It showed promise but it was lacking in methionine and isoleucine. 5. 5. It was concluded that dry, powdered, preparations from whole animals could prove a satisfactory, stable diet for alligator husbandry. 6. 6. Prolonged force-feecling of an animal diet increased the percent of nitrogen excreted as NH, over that excreted in urates.

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