
In 2008 we introduced an assay for quantitative analysis of the interaction between a fluorescently marked protein (prey) and a membrane protein (bait) using microstructured surfaces, produced by μ-contact printing, covered with ligands (antibodies) targeted against the bait. The proof-of-concept was demonstrated for the interaction between CD4, a major co-receptor in T cell signalling, and Lck, a protein tyrosine kinase essential for early T cell signalling (Schwarzenbacher, et al., Nat Methods, 2008). Since then we worked on technical advances of the assay which are presented here. A whole binding curve of secondary antibodies binding to immobilized mouse antibodies was recorded, demonstrating that our assay allows for determination of the dissociation constant between a bait and a prey protein in living cells. Furthermore we show that our method is a powerful tool to study membrane micro domains or lipid rafts: Via patterning of GPI-anchored GFPs the structure of cells membrane was some kind of sorted and the behaviour of various proteins in these regions have been analyzed by super resolution microscopy.

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