
It has been developed the method of expertize for evaluation of group resistance of the winter wheat to following pests: Oulema melanopus L., Sitobion avenae F., Mayeltiola destructor Say. In so doing, it has been used electrophoretic spectra of gliadine and special program for a computer that allows to conduct the evaluation in an authomatic regime. An analysis of results of the computer experiments with the usage of various algorithms has given a possibility to propose most credible methods of the expertize based on the GUHA‐method and the method of “tree of solutions”. It has been discovered the associative structural correlations between separate plots in the electrophretic spectra of gliadine and the value of resistance to a definite insect pests or their group. The method of gliadine markers of the resistance and the special program of results of the expertize with the aim of a computer allows to shorten the process of selection of resistant plants to evade systematic errors at the field evaluations...

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