
We have used equilibrium binding analyses to evaluate the influence of temperature and urea on the affinity of hen egg white lysozyme and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A for surface-immobilized Cu(II) ions. Linear Scatchard plots suggested that these model proteins were interacting with immobilized metal ions via a single class of intermediate-affinity (Kd = 10–40 μM) binding sites. Alterations in temperature had little or no effect on the immobilized Cu(II) binding capacity of either protein. Temperature effects on the interaction affinity, however, were protein-dependent and varied considerably. The affinity of lysozyme for immobilized Cu(II) ions was significantly decreased with increased temperature (0°C–37°C), yet the affinity of ribonuclease did not vary measurably over the same temperature range. The van 't Hoff plot (In K vs 1/T) for lysozyme suggests a straight line relationship (single mechanism) with a ΔH of approximately −5.5 kcal/mol. Urea effects also varied in a protein-dependent manner. A 10-fold reduction in the affinity of lysozyme for the immobilized Cu(II) was observed with the urea concentrations up to 3 M; yet urea had no effect on the affinity of ribonuclease for the immobilized metal ions. Although the interaction capacity of lysozyme with the immobilized Cu(II) ions was decreased by 50% in 3 M urea, ribonuclease interaction capacity was not diminished in urea. Thus, temperature- and urea-dependent alterations in protein-metal ion interactions were observed for lysozyme but not ribonuclease A. The complete, yet reversible, inhibition of lysozyme- and ribonuclease-metal ion interactions by carboxyethylation with low concentrations of diethylpyrocarbonate provided direct evidence of histidyl involvement. The differential response of these proteins to the effects of temperature and urea was, therefore, interpreted based on calculated solvent-accessibilities and surface distributions of His residues, individual His residue pKa values, and specific features of the protein surface structure in the immediate environment of the surface-exposed histidyl residues. Possible interaction mechanisms involved in protein recognition of macromolecular surface-immobilized metal ions are presented.

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