
AbstractProteins are not static as shown in texts; they fluctuate continuously. Moreover, the “working protein” consists not only of the folded chain of amino acids. Proteins are surrounded by their hydration shell and are embedded in a bulk solvent. The protein proper, the hydration shell, and the bulk solvent are all involved in the protein motions and all three are necessary for the functions. Protein motions are transitions between different conformational substates that are described by the energy landscape (EL ). The energy landscape has already been introduced and will be described in more detail in the present chapter. The experimental exploration of the EL is largely done by studying protein motions. We have therefore put the cart before the horse by treating the EL first. The reason is logic. Once the concept of a hierarchical EL is accepted, the existence of various types of motions is a logical consequence.KeywordsHydration ShellEnergy LandscapeProtein MotionHeme IronInternal MotionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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