
The major limitations associated with conventional packed bed chromatography for protein separation and purification can be overcome by using adsorptive microporous membranes as chromatographic media. Microporous membranes have advantages as support matrices in comparison to conventional bead supports because they are not compressible and they eliminate diffusion limitations. As a result, higher throughput and shorter processing times are possible using these membrane systems. In this paper, we review the current state of development in the area of attaching functionalized polymer brushes onto a microporous membrane to form a novel chromatographic medium for protein separation and purification. The functionalized polymer brushes were appended onto the pore surface of a microporous hollow-fiber membrane uniformly across the membrane thickness by radiation-induced graft polymerization and subsequent chemical modifications. We review various applications of this adsorptive membrane chromatography by focusing on polymer brushes bearing ion-exchange, hydrophobic and affinity groups. Proteins were captured in multilayers by the ion-exchange group-containing polymer brushes due to the formation of a three-dimensional space for protein binding via the electrostatic repulsion of the polymer brushes. In contrast, proteins were captured in a monolayer at most by the polymer brushes containing hydrophobic or affinity ligands. By permeating a protein solution through the pores rimmed by the polymer brushes, an ideal capturing rate of the proteins with a negligible diffusional mass-transfer resistance was achieved by the functionalized polymer brushes, based on ion-exchange, hydrophobic, and affinity interactions.

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