
Aim: This study was aimed at evaluating the protective role of different local spices on lambda cyhalothrin induced nephrotoxicity in male mice
 Experimental Design: A completely randomized experimental design using standard methods for analysis.
 Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out in the Animal house, Department of Animal and Environmental Biology of Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo Port Harcourt, Nigeria. GPS 4o47'50''N 6o58'49''E. This study lasted for 35days.
 Methodology: The experimental animals were separated into 6 groups (A-F) of seven mice each. Group A served as the control and Group B – F served as the test groups. At the end of the 35 day treatment period, feed was withdrawn from the mice 24 hours before termination of the experiment. Blood samples for analysis of kidney function test were collected from each mouse by ocular puncture into plain tubes. The blood was allowed to clot and centrifuged at 2500g to separate the serum from the cells. Total protein was analyzed using the spectrophotometric method of biuret, Bradford and erythrosine – b, albumin was estimated, creatinine and urea was done using enzymatic method. Vital organs were removed and weighed for organosomatic indices. Histological sections of the kidney were mounted on slides, stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Photomicrographs were generated.
 Results: There is no significant difference (P=0.05) between the organ weight and bodyweight in group A compared with the treatment groups. The values of Albumin, total protein, urea, creatinine and total bilirubin increased significantly in group B administered lambda cyhalothrin alone but decreased in groups administered the local spices. Histopathological analysis of the kidney shows the regular structure of the kidney architecture in group A, tubular degeneration and several vacuolations were observed in group B. However, less degeneration of the epithelial cells, regeneration of renal tubular epithelium were observed in groups C- F.
 Conclusion: Based on the results from liver biomarkers and histological micrographs from this study, pronounced degeneration was observed in the kidney cells exposed to lambda-cyhalothrin only. Moreover, all spices used had a regenerating ability on the kidney tubules. It is advocated therefore that consumption of this spices either singly or in combination should be encouraged especially for those exposed to insecticides poisoning

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