
The analysis of the reasons for the children to the intensive care unit indicates that the poisoning is one of the most important cause of life-threatening conditions in childhood. The poisoning by drugs and ethanol dominates among other poisoning factors. Multiple drug poisoning is not so rare case as well as intentional self-poisoning among teenagers. It is dangerous not only toxigenic phase of poisoning by various chemical compounds but also their long-term effects. The symptoms of cerebroasthenia, minimal dysfunction of brain, vascular disorders, violation of thermoregulation, convulsions, visual impairment, hepatopathy, nephropathy, adrenal dysfunction are discussed as the effects of acute poisoning in children. Above-mentioned facts indicate the need to improve the toxicological assistance not only during resuscitation but also in a phase of long-term effects. The as early as possible elimination of the effects of acute poisoning leaves the possibility of development of the child according to age. The study of the general laws of chemical and biological interaction of poison with organs and tissues of animals in the experiment can detect adaptive and compensatory mechanisms to ensure stability of the basic functions of the organism to the damaging effects of xenobiotics. The study of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of action of exogenous chemical factors elucidates the target points to the impact of pharmacological agents. Taking into account that the mandatory pathogenetic component of the process of intoxication is hypoxia we used the ethylene glycol poisoning model to test direct antihypoxants 2 etiltiobenzimidazola hydrobromide (metaprot) and 5-ethoxy-2-etiltiobenzimidazol (etomerzol). Aim: to estimate antihypoxic and antioxidant effects of actoprotective substances as metaprot and etomerzol in the model of ethylene glycol poisoning.

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