
Previously we demonstrated that hamamelitannin (2',5-di-O-galloyl hamamelose) in Hamamelis virginiana L. exhibits potent superoxide-anion scavenging activity. We then examined the physiological and pharmacological activities of hamamelitannin as well as its functional homologues, gallic acid and syringic acid. The following results were obtained: (1) Hamamelitannin has a higher protective activity against cell damages induced by superoxide anions than gallic acid which is the functional moiety of hamamelitannin. The protective activity of hamamelitannin on murine fibroblast-damage induced by superoxide anions was found at a minimum concentration of 50 microM, while the corresponding figure for gallic acid was 100 microM. (2) Pre-treatment of fibroblasts with hamamelitannin enhances cell survival. (3) The superoxide-anion scavenging activity of the compound in terms of its IC50 value (50% inhibition concentration of superoxide anion radicals generated) was evaluated by ESR spin-trapping. Both hamamelitannin (IC50 = 1.31 +/- 0.06 microM) and gallic acid (IC50 = 1.01 +/- 0.03 microM) exhibited high superoxide-anion scavenging activity followed by syringic acid (IC50 = 13.90 +/- 2.38 microM). (4) When hamamelitannin was treated with superoxide anions generated by a KO2-crown ether system, HPLC analysis showed the disappearance of hamamelitannin and the concomitant formation of hamamelitannin-derived radicals (g = 2.005, delta H1 = 2.16 G, delta H2 = 4.69 G) was detected by ESR spectrometry.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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