
WSN is an infrastructure less network that consists of mobile nodes that communicate with each other over wireless links. WSN is vulnerable to the node replication attack (clone attack). Attackers through compromising one sensor node replicate many clones having the same identity (ID) from the compromised node, and place these clones in various places of network. Clones contain all the credentials of legitimate member so appears authentic. This makes the conventional cryptographic tools useless and clone detection difficult. Once the node replication attack has been successful it can help the attacker to exploit almost all of the network operations, like routing, data collection, and key distribution, and also to help launch various other attacks such as black hole, wormhole etc. This proposed work therefore attempts a SDN based mechanism that implements a network level route analysis and time-based analysis methods which involves a low cost timely monitoring of the environment to identify and avoid redundant nodes which may be caused due to cloning attack. Thus, the SDN based cyber security applications are most useful in this situation. The implementation of this SDN based mechanism in WSN helps in maintaining and improving the QoS (Quality of service) constraints. The hybrid clone node detection (HCND) mechanism helps to detect the clone node present in the wireless network. This is to perform efficient clone detection in such a way to eliminate cloning attack in proactive fashion. To detect clones locally as well as across geographical region through cost effective identity verification procedure. This method helps to protect the wireless sensor network from the node identity replicas using the superimposed SDIS junction code. The node identity replicas help to choose the credible path for successful transmissions. The superimposed method is to be used for retrieval of information from node participating on the network. To thwart cluster of attacks hosted from the clones, by removing the hosting clones. The simulation result shows that there is the performance analysis of various parameters such as false positive, false negative ratio analysis, precision analysis, recall analysis and detection analysis.

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