
Abstract Vessel traffic systems provide a high level of safety on coastal waters due to coastal radar stations and industrial cameras transmitting information to traffic supervision centers, as well. To improve a vessel traffic services is very important to ensure the speed and secrecy for the transmission of video images. The paper presents the basic issues of the multimedia data protection by digital watermarking and fingerprinting methods. Main applications for such digital marking were described in the paper as well as its requirements. Furthermore, the importance of multicast transmission for fingerprinting methods was presented by comparing the scalability of methods using only unicast transmissions and methods using multicast transmissions. The paper also presents the greatest threat to fingerprinting methods, which are attacks performed by more than one pirate. These attacks are called collusion attacks. The criteria that should be followed during identifying rogue users taking part in the collusion attack on the security systems has been presented. The paper also contains description of the extended Hillcast method, which belongs to the group of JFD (Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption) methods. The method provides a cryptographic security and digital fingerprinting of multimedia content, while maintaining high scalability. Main purpose of this method is VoD (Video on Demand) service, but it can also be used in vessel traffic supervision systems, such as VTS and AIS. In the last part of paper, there are results of studies which indicate high resistance to most common collusion attacks. Method proposed by authors can enhance the security of visual data transmission in vessel traffic systems.

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