
Nigeria is a country that is richly blessed with abundance of natural resources, good vegetation and fertile soil for cultivation. The country also has diverse ethnic groups, culture and customs. This way of life of the people can be perceived in the activities, traditions and customs that have been handed down to them by their forefathers. Overtime, communities expanded and there was influx of people to the different communities in the country. These people become exposed to this way of life and they benefit from it individually and collectively. This information or knowledge acquired is generally utilized by others without the local or indigenous communities benefitting in any form from their cultural heritage. It is general knowledge that intellectual property protects the activities of the intellect or mental faculty. Could this traditional knowledge (TK) of the people require protection under intellectual property? Would it not be appropriate that these people are recognized as the custodians of the TK? Their consent sought before usage, and benefits arising thereof be given to them on prior agreed terms. This will further strengthen the economic system of the society. Doctrinal research method was used in this work, and reliance was placed on both primary and secondary source of information as the work discussed the need for protection of traditional knowledge (TK), the progress made so far and the challenges to providing proper legal and institutional framework for protection of TK.

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