
A 50-year-old man with intermittent ventricular parasystolic bigeminy is reported in whom the parasystolic focus was protected from late intervening sinus impulses. This is the first report to suggest the presence of protection due to interference in parasystolic bigeminy. The findings in this case suggest that when a sinus impulse falls in a late period of the parasystolic cycle, it travells so slowly along the ventricular-ectopic junction that it is unable to reach the parasystolic focus before the spontaneous occurrence of the next parasystolic impulse; as a result, the sinus impulse interferes with the next parasystolic impulse in the ventricular-ectopic junction. Thus it is suggested that the parasystolic focus is protected from the sinus impulse because of the interference and not because of an entrance block. This reinforces the concept of a second-degree entrance block as a mechanism of parasystole.

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