
Objective. Structuring of publicly available information regarding the protection of the upper hemisphere of CII objects.Method. The following methods of scientific cognition are used: systematization, description, analysis, deduction. The article consists of three sections. First, an analysis of the current state of the issue of the need for protection from UAVs is carried out. Accounting is not only military infrastructure, but also civil. In addition, for analysis, the separation of drone attacks is carried out in order to physically destroy the CII object / its part or attack the technical component. In the second part of the work, the analysis of the regulatory framework of Russia and the EU countries is carried out. The greatest emphasis is placed on domestic legislation and the identification of problem areas in relation to the research topic. In the third part of the work, a draft of proposals for the protection of CII objects from threats emanating from UAVs is presented. To do this, the analysis of drone varieties is carried out, the requirements for the system of protection and search for intruders are determined.Result. The article investigates the problems of protecting CII objects from drone attacks. A constant increase in UAV attacks on civilian and military infrastructure was noted, problems of the regulatory framework of Russia in the direction were identified, a proposal for the protection of the upper hemisphere was developed.Conclusions. The conducted research is of an overview nature. The materials presented in the paper can serve as a basis for further research in the direction and for the development of relevant regulatory documents.

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