
A trade mark — denotation that is used in an order to distinguish commodities or services of one producer from commodities or services of other producer.Mainly there are two excellent properties of the registered trade mark. She must not mislead consumers in relation to a producer or place of production. By the legislation of Ukraine the set grounds for a refuse in registration of trade mark. These grounds are based, on indicated higher, properties of trade marks.Procedure of registration of trade mark in Ukraine is certain Law of Ukraine "On the guard of rights on signs for commodities and services" and by Rules of serve and consideration of requests.To voice denotations take different sounds such, as fragments of pieces of music, industrial, domestic, natural noises and their arbitrary combinations. In the world mostly as voice trademarks a call-sign register and illuminations of TV and radio stations, pronounced slogans of companies. In regard to voice trademarks on the first plan the phonetic constituent of this denotation goes out exactly.Sound denotations, as a rule, are represented as an ordinary musical record. Registration of verbal denotations is possible at the same time.Similar trademarks are often used in TV and radio adverting segment. Such voice denotations are clearly associated with a certain producer. Practically all voice trademarks passing state registration are fragments the music in a musical record, sometimes complemented by small verbal part. The terms of receipt of legal safeguard of voice trade marks are considered in the article. Practice of receipt of such rights is analyses. The examples of expediency of receipt of such guard are described. Problem aspects are educed in procedure of examining.The prognosis of probability of terms of increase of interest is done in voice trade marks. Set forth to recommendation on the improvement of some positions of normatively-legal acts in the field of rights on voice trade marks.

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