
The article considers the problems of organization and functioning of the institute of military ombudsman in foreign countries. Emphasis is placed on the problematic aspects of the formation of its function of protecting the constitutional rights of servicemen in connection with changes in the legal framework of democratic civilian control in Ukraine. It is emphasized that in determining the place of the military ombudsman in the system of state authorities it is necessary to take into account the institutional aspects of democratic control in the context of models of military-civil relations. The Ombudsman Institute for the Protection of the Rights of Military Personnel is in the first place necessary as an element of the system of democratic civil control in which the Ombudsman can fully exercise his legal nature as a parliamentary control body. It turns out that in the framework of the model of civilian control, «army under the control of parliament», the institution of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Defense (for the protection of the rights of military personnel) will complement and extend the function of parliamentary control over the objects of democratic civilian control. Such a system of protection of the rights of military personnel requires Ukraine for the democratic development of military-civilian relations. It is argued that broad specialization and the presence of a military ombudsman are due to strong traditions of democracy. The necessity of introduction of the institute of military ombudsman in Ukraine is substantiated. Relevant arguments are presented, which are of particular importance in the context of a full-scale armed invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine and the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. Key words: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights; Institution of the Ombudsman; Ombudsman; Military Ombudsman; Constitutional Rights of Military Personnel; Protection of the Rights of Military Personnel.

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