
This paper is devoted to the analysis of the activities of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Irkutsk region to protect the housing rights of children with disabilities. The study emphasized that the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children with disabilities is the most important activity of the Commissioners for the Rights of the Child. We presented the current statistical data of the Federal Register of Disabled People and the Federal State Institution «Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Irkutsk region» of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on the number of children with disabilities in Russia and the Irkutsk region by gender, age and leading causes of childhood disability. The article examined the housing rights of children with disabilities, the conditions and procedure for their provision, as well as an analysis of regulatory legal acts regulating these rights. The article considers the situation on the implementation of the rights of families with children with disabilities who are recognized as in need of housing in the Irkutsk region for 2019–2021 on the basis of statistical information from annual and special reports on the results of the activities of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Irkutsk region. The study identified the key problems faced by municipal authorities in the process of providing residential premises and conditions of their accessibility for children with disabilities. We analyzed the proposals of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Irkutsk region to resolve these problems and improve the effectiveness of compliance with the housing rights of children with disabilities in the Irkutsk region. The study found that the proposals and solutions to housing issues of children with disabilities formulated by regional ombudsmen are advisory in nature, since they depend largely on the legislative initiative of the federal authorities and their reassessment of the financial and economic capabilities of regions and municipalities.

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