
THE recent air exercises at Portsmouth have shown once more that in some states of the weather it is impossible to prevent a hostilo air fleet from launching an attack upon a city. It is essential, therefore, that we should do all we can to minimise the effects of air raids, if unfortunately it should be found impossible to provont wars. The Government is preparing a series of six handbooks dealing with different aspects of the problem, and the first of thoso has recently been issued (Air Raid Precautions, Handbook No. 2. Anti-Gas Precautions and First Aid for Air Raid Casualties. Pp. 110, London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1935. 6d.). Mr. C. B. O. Mbhr, 147 Milton Road, Cambridge, tho secretary of the Cambridge Scientists' Anti-War Group, writes, however, to say that his Group considers that with the proposed protection casualties up to 30 per cent of urban populations are likely to occur. This Group is investigating the technical side of the problem, and he suggests that other scientific workers should do likewise and make their results known. These dangers can no longer be ignored, but on the other hand they should not be exaggerated. It is not only sensational journalists who have published misleading statements about new engines of war of extraordinary potency, but even statesmen in responsible positions who are in a position to obtain accurate information. One of these has said that scientific men “will turn to making a high explosive bomb about the size of a walnut and as powerful as a bomb of big dimensions”. The actual fact is, however, that every endeavour has failed to produeo an explosive appreciably more powerful than nitroglycerine, which was discovered by Sobrero in 1846. Equally exaggerated statements have been made about the effects of gas bombs; but high explosives, incendiary and gas projectiles are all very serious sources of danger and should be investigated authoritatively and impartially.

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