
Geographical Indications are product identification associated with a specific geographic location. Indonesia has a Geographical Indication protection system to protect local products and promote unique products that can only be found in certain areas through Law No. 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications. The main characteristics of Geographical Indications in Indonesia include the relationship between the product and the geographical environment, the quality and reputation attached to the product, as well as the traditions and local wisdom associated with the product. The protection of Geographical Indications in Indonesia aims to ensure that only products that comply with the specified criteria may use the Geographical Indications mark. Characteristics of Geographical Indications include links with regions and traditions, as well as the reputation of products originating from the area. This protection helps promote and sustain local culture and economy. The research methodology used in this study uses a type of normative research with various approaches, which consist of statutory approach (statute approach) and conceptual approach (conceptual approach). The sources of legal materials used in this study are in the form of primary law (primary source) and secondary law (secondary source) and non-legal material. The results of the research and the main findings are that the characteristics of geographical indications are different from other IPRsgeographic indication has unique characteristics caused by natural factors, thus giving effect to the goods or products produced by a certain region.

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