
In 1982, long before a cyber security threat to control system networks was widely recognised, a trojan attack on control system software reportedly caused a huge explosion in a Siberian gas pipeline. Even now, despite technological advancements, many systems that have been retrofitted for compatibility with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) remain unprotected. In a world of connected devices, industries vulnerable to attack must upgrade their security systems. The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an increasingly popular route taken by malicious hackers looking to gain access to organisations' networks. Part of the problem is that network capability is often bolted onto the existing systems. And IT and operational technology (OT) teams lack co-ordination when it comes to security. Nick Boughton of Boulting Technology argues that an end-to-end cyber security approach that incorporates both IT and OT environments must be considered when integrating legacy systems into existing networks.

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