
The issue of logistics industry polluting the environment required further studies and suggestion for environmental protection. Malaysia’s logistics organization needs a mechanism to boost its green practices and contribute to protect natural environment. Triple bottom line approach focuses on societal benefit, environmental protection and economic return should be the focus of logistics organization. The triple bottom line approach lead to transformation of future Malaysia’s generation of logistics industry. Transformation of these logistics business organization in embracing green practices to be at par with their western counterpart required logistics organization leaders to adapt and copy those organization that has succeeded in implementing green practices. Commitment from organizational leaders is important in the green transformation process. Leaders have the authorities to develop and implement policy embracing green practices. Coercive environment naturally emerges though such authorities imposed to their logistics organization. Employee then under such coercive pressure begin to adapt green practices. Implementing coercive pressure alone is insufficient. Green policies must be accompanied with green human resources approach. Green human resources management able to contribute in enhancing transformation of logistics business organization to contribute in protecting the environment. Green HRM embedded in employee appraisal and exposure through green training shall enhances employee green practices. Employees in the organization begin to change their work behavior towards embracing green practices in daily routine. Development of organizational cultures or normative behaviors which each employee begins to evolve. GHRM approach supported with engagement by the employee is expected to increase the transformation of the logistics organization in adapting green practices. These suggestions are observed on concept of Institutional Theory. This theory suggested that organization transformation shall be developed with coercive, normative and mimicking isomorphism. Observing Institutional Theory idea is hoped to enable logistics business organization to embrace green practices. Therefore, this paper suggested three proposition which will be carried further for research.

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