
In response to the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 global pandemic, the leadership of a large homeless service and residential recovery organization transformed its organizational practices in accordance with best available evidence for prevention and containment of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The coordinated organizational response was based on the CDC's "whole community" framework for addressing the threat of COVID-19 among persons experiencing homelessness and included strategies for preparation and containment of the virus and identification of exposures and disease outbreaks. Organizational practice changes were also instituted to mitigate spread. New protocols and procedures addressed admission intake processes, testing and monitoring, and guidelines for managing staff, vendors, and volunteers. Finally, an on-site vaccination clinic was organized through the establishment of a four-pronged coalition. The program outreached to staff, residents, and essential volunteers. Following implementation of this coordinated organizational response, confirmed SARS CoV-2 cases in the facility declined to zero. Through this experience, the leadership became more adept at improving its digital fitness and pivoting when circumstances dictated a shift in policy and practice. In every major initiative or policy change aimed at addressing the spread of the virus, community partnerships were key to effective implementation of COVID-19 prevention and containment strategies.

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