
Abstract : Commercial space capabilities are expanding. As they expand, the capabilities will increase in their military utility. These capabilities include communications, remote sensing, navigation, and imagery. Spending in the commercial space industry between 1995 and 2010 will top 5100 billion. With the rise in commercially available services and declining defense budgets, the DoD will inevitably migrate traditionally dedicated space capabilities to commercial systems (communications, remote sensing, and possibly navigation). The space industry considers countermeasures costly and unnecessary against threats they deem not likely. With our economics well-being increasingly tied to space, what role should the U.S. Government and military play in assuring our access? Future projections point to force-on-force space confrontations with peer competitors and asymmetric attack by hostile groups, and individuals. Therefore, protection of commercial military space systems must be rooted in space law, space policy and doctrine with consideration to the and future strategic environment they will become. Key questions will address the impact on U.S. national security due to attacks on commercial and military space assets. What is the 'real' impact of commercial space on the U.S. economy and military capability? How would loss of commercial space capabilities impact U.S. war fighting capability? What constitutes an attack on a commercial space system? How do we deter and detect an attack? Finally, what policy and process changes are needed to protect our national security?

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