
In his judgment in the UK High Court, after evidence was given by a paediatrician who diagnosed sexual abuse in many children, Mr Justice Eady stated: “it is asking a great deal of any paediatrician, however dedicated or experienced, to be a psychologist, a detective, and a social worker as well as struggling to identify the significance of genital findings (especially in the elusive anatomy of the infant hymen). It is necessary for a judge placed in my position to recognise that no one expert can embrace all these disciplines.” 1 England and Wales High Court (Queen's Bench Division) DecisionsNeutral citation number [2002] EWHC 1600 QB. Case no: HQ9903605, HQ9903606. http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2002/1600.htmlDate: July 30, 2002 Google Scholar Physical abuse and neglect of childrenChild maltreatment includes physical abuse and neglect, and happens in all countries and cultures. Child maltreatment usually results from interactions between several risk factors (such as parental depression, stress, and social isolation). Physicians can incorporate methods to screen for risk factors into their usual appointments with the family. Detection of physical abuse is dependent on the doctor's ability to recognise suspicious injuries, such as bruising, bite marks, burns, bone fractures, or trauma to the head or abdomen. Full-Text PDF

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