
Vegetables provide all the nutrients ingredients viz., vitamins, minerals, protein and nutraceutical properties that are essential for balanced diet, which makes vegetables protective food. In order to enhance the quality production and productivity per unit area of vegetable crops, protected cultivation technologies may be opted. Protected cultivation is a cropping technique wherein microclimate surrounding the plants modified partially or fully to suite them for better production. It offers several advantages to produce vegetables of high quality and yields, thus using the land and other resources more efficiently. There are various protected structures/methods viz., plastic mulching, plastic low tunnel, walk-in-tunnel, high roof tunnel with or without ventilation, insect proof nethouse, shade nethouse, naturally ventilated polyhouse, hi-tech or climate controlled greenhouse, retractable top greenhouse, rain shelters, etc. for large scale vegetable production. In hi-tech or climate controlled greenhouse, most of the parameters viz., temperature, light, humidity, fertilizer, irrigation is sensed and corrected as per programme through auto control systems. Soilless cultivation technology is system of plants growing in which solid rooting growing media are used instead of soil. The solid materials of soilless growing media in alone or mixtures may provide superior environment for plants in comparison to agricultural soil. Hydroponics and aeroponics technologies are also the predominant growing systems used under protected structures. These technologies offer numerous advantages such as saves water, increases crop production, environment friendly, food can be grown round the year, and provides jobs for residents. Parthenocarpic cucumber, tomato, capsicums (coloured), and lettuce are well known for protected cultivation.

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