
Protected areas are locations which receive protection because of their recognized natural, ecological and/or cultural values. There are several kinds of protected areas, which vary by level of protection depending on the enabling laws of each country or the regulations of the international organizations involved. The term “protected area” also includes marine protected areas, the boundaries of which will include some area of ocean. In the Republic of Croatia, 9.5% of total territory is proclaimed a protected area and the largest part of that area, i.e. 79%, belongs to the national parks and nature parks, which, together with strict nature reserves, according to the Croatian Law on Nature Protection are under highest protection regime. Out of 8 national parks and 11 nature parks, 3 national parks and 2 nature parks are located on the islands and their marine surroundings. Being extraordinary in terms of tourist attractiveness, protected areas, especially those situated on islands, represent the object of ever rising growth of tourist demand. Hence their carrying capacities are overburdened and the very essence of their existence is endangered. This paper deals with the analysis of the possible threats and benefits that tourism development poses to the protected areas located on Croatian islands which are, as far as economic orientation is concerned, dominantly focused on tourism. Hence, by analysing problems island protected areas face regarding an ever growing pressure of tourism demand, some recommendation will be given concerning possible policies and measures that ought to be implemented in order to keep both the island protected areas and tourism development sustainable.

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