
The X box region is critical for directing the expression of class II major histocompatibility complex genes in B lymphocytes. Although several class II promoter-specific DNA binding factors have been described, only the X box region factor, RFX, shows a genetic correlation with class II expression, being deficient in some B cell lines derived from patients with class II-deficient congenital immunodeficiency. To further evaluate the role of X box DNA-binding proteins in class II gene expression, the role of the X box region was examined in both class II-positive and -negative lymphoid cells. In addition to the wild-type B cell line Raji, two class II transcriptional mutant cell lines, SJO and RJ2.2.5, and Jurkat, a class II negative T cell line, were examined. In contrast to wild-type B cells, neither of the class II mutant cell lines could use the X box region to direct the expression of a transiently transfected reporter gene, indicating that the X box-dependent transcriptional pathway is defective in these cells. The binding activity of the X1 box DNA-binding protein RFX was examined and found to be present in wild-type B cells and the mutant RJ2.2.5 but was absent in SJO and Jurkat. However, other X1 box-specific activities were detected in all these cell lines. To determine whether these different X1 box activities represented distinct DNA binding proteins or multimeric forms of the same factor(s), protease treatment of the crude nuclear extracts followed by DNA-binding assays were carried out and demonstrated that B cell extracts contain at least two X1-specific factors. One of these cleaved products (band 1 pk) correlates with RFX activity. A similar comparison with protease-treated extracts prepared from Jurkat cells demonstrated the presence of the band 1pk activity despite an absence of the native RFX activity. In contrast, protease treatment and analysis of SJO extracts showed no detectable levels of the band 1pk activity. These results demonstrate that multiple X1 box-specific DNA-binding activities exist in all lymphoid cells, but the presence of an actively binding RFX species correlates with class II transcription.

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