
This study aims to evaluate the surgical outcomes of prosthetic valve endocarditis. A total of 21 patients (6 males, 15 females; mean age 58.9±12.6 years; range, 33 to 79 years) who were surgically treated for prosthetic valve endocarditis between January 2013 and January 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. Surgical indications included persistent fever for more than seven days after antibiotherapy, congestive heart failure refractory to medical treatment, vegetations larger than 1 cm on echocardiography, the presence of fungal endocarditis, severe valvular leak and valvular dysfunction, and staphylococcal prosthetic valve endocarditis. Five patients had previous aortic valve replacement and three of the aortic prostheses were re-replaced. Two patients had coexisting native mitral valve endocarditis and double valve replacement was done. Thirteen patients had previous mitral valve replacement and 12 of the mitral prostheses were re-replaced. One patient had coexisting native aortic valve endocarditis and double valve re-replacement was done. Three patients had previous aortic valve replacement + mitral valve replacement. Mitral valve endocarditis was diagnosed in two patients and these patients had only mitral valve re-replacement. The other patient had double valve endocarditis, and double valve replacement was done. The mean time from the first operation to the development of endocarditis was 7.3±5.7 years. Of five lost patients, two died from multiple organ failure, one from low cardiac output, one from pneumonia, and one from respiratory failure. Radical resection of the infected tissues is critical to achieve favorable surgical outcomes. Single valve replacement of the infected valve may be preferred in patients having previous double valve replacement. Mechanical valves or bioprostheses can be used for re-replacement procedures.

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