
This paper serves humanity where we are trying to assist the people who have lost their hands or arms due to accident or warfare. We have tried to create a full-functioning arm so that this armless person could do their daily tasks easily and efficiently. This system is used to assist handicapped people, especially those who are handless. If someone is missing an arm or leg, an artificial arm called a prosthetic hand can replace it. The device, which is called a prosthesis, can help you to perform daily activities such as walking, eating, or dressing. Some artificial limbs let you function nearly as well as before. The prosthetic hand must also learn how to “feel” the object to know how much pressure to exert.Here the use of Electromyography techniques is done under which muscle sensor will be used to sense the signals from human muscles and accordingly signals will be given to the microcontroller which will perform some function according to the algorithm done in it and on the basis of it, it will generate an output signal from Microcontroller which will be given as input to the encoder motor which will be controlling the actuation of Soft robotic actuator using pumping mechanism. Here the Arduino coding is done in the Arduino IDE software where different libraries are also easily available. This system aims to attain 70% of closeness to the actual human hand. Here Electronics and Robotics technologies are working together, and this Mechatronics system will be very much helpful for handless people, that is what the expectation is.

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