
Pros.the' co.mi.cro.bi.um . Gr. fem. n. prosthece appendage; Gr. adj. micros small; Gr. masc. n. bios life; M.L. neut. n. Prosthecomicrobium appendage (‐bearing) microbe. Proteobacteria / Alphaproteobacteria / Rhizobiales / Hyphomicrobiaceae / Prosthecomicrobium Unicellular bacterium with coccobacillary to rod‐shaped cells ranging in diameter from 0.8 to 1.2 µm and containing numerous prosthecae extending from all locations on the cell surface. Prosthecae, which may number from 10 to more than 30/cell, are typically short (i.e., <1.0 µm in length); some species, however, also produce longer prosthecae (>2.0 µm). Cells divide by budding . Buds are produced directly from the mother cell, never from tips of prosthecae. Gram negative . Motile and nonmotile species exist. Motile organisms produce single polar to subpolar flagella; one species forms gas vacuoles but not flagella. Obligately aerobic , nonfermentative , heterotrophic . A variety of sugars and organic acids are used as energy sources for growth. All strains tested require one or more B vitamins for growth. Oxidase and catalase positive. Found in soils and fresh and marine waters. The mol % G + C of the DNA is : 64–70. Type species : Prosthecomicrobium pneumaticum Staley 1968, 1940.

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