
It is well recognized that core temperature responses to LPS are abolished when endogenously produced prostaglandins are removed. The present study was designed to evaluate the role of prostaglandins in the cardiovascular and renal responses to LPS. Core temperature, mean arterial pressure, heart rate, renal blood flow and various parameters of renal function were measured for 60 min before (C) and for 5 h after I.V. injection of 0.03 μg·kg−1of the LPS SAE (i.e., EC100 for core temperature response) (N=10, group I), after pretreatment with indomethacin (N=6, 10 mg·kg−1, group II, to inhibit prostaglandin production) or after vehicle (N=9, group III). The increase in core temperature after LPS was abolished by pretreatment with indomethacin. In contrast the mean arterial pressure, heart rate, renal blood flow, urinary flow and Na+ excretion responses to LPS were not altered by indomethacin pretreatment. Therefore, in young lambs, cardiovascular and renal responses to LPS appear to be independent of endogenously produced prostaglandins.

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