
Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated a large influx of null lymphocytes into the murine decidua during pregnancy. We had also shown that trophoblast cells of the murine placenta bear target structures recognized by NK cells. Since NK lineage cells belong to the null category of lymphocytes, we examined whether cells of this lineage appear in the murine decidua, and if so, whether their activity is locally regulated by NK suppressor cells. We further investigated the identity of the suppressor cells as well as their suppressor products. NK lineage cells, irrespective of their activation status, were identified morphologically in radioautographic preparations as the non-T, non-B (null) lymphocytes capable of binding YAC-1 lymphoma targets. NK activity of nucleated cells was measured with a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay against labeled YAC-1 targets. Studies with outbred CD1 mice, and to a smaller extent, inbred CBA mice revealed that the incidence of NK lineage cells remained fairly constant within the decidua throughout pregnancy, but their activity decreased steadily to negligible levels by Day 12–14 of gestation. This was found to result from an inactivation caused by NK-suppressor cells in the decidua. A mixing of Ficoll-Paque-separated nucleated cells of the decidua with normal splenic effector cells (at 1:1 ratio) led to a suppression of their NK activity tested immediately or after a 20-hr coculture. This suppression was MHC unrestricted. Suppressor cells were identified both in plastic nonadherent fraction highly enriched for typical decidual cells as well as in the plastic adherent fraction containing decidual cells and macrophages. Addition of indomethacin (10 −5 M), an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis, or anti PGE 2 antibody, revived the NK activity in the mixed population, as well as in the decidua, suggesting a PGE 2-mediated suppression. High levels of PGE 2 were detectable in decidual cell supernatants with a sensitive radioimmunoassay. Addition of pure PGE 2 (10 −7–10 −6 M) but not PGF 2α (10 −6 M) during the NK assay or to the effector cells for a 20-hr period prior to the assay led to an inhibition of NK activity. These results reveal that NK cells appearing in the murine decidua are progressively inactivated by PGE 2 produced by decidual cells and decidual macrophages.

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