
The ingestion of particles by macrophages leads to the prompt induction of prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. We have now dissected the endocytic process and examined the requirements of prostaglandin E (PGE) synthesis for particle attachment, membrane interiorization, and phagosome-lysosome fusion. Macrophages that were loaded with the polyanion dextran sulfate and exhibited a greater than 99% inhibition of phagosome-lysosome fusion produced normal amounts of PGE upon challenge with zymosan. Inhibition of membrane interiorization with cytochalasin D was similarly ineffective in blocking PGE synthesis. The addition of large numbers of unmodified polystyrene latex beads, which were readily ingested by macrophages, failed to stimulate PGE synthesis. However, when macrophages were challenged with latex beads coated with immune complexes, an increased synthesis of PGE resulted. No response occurred if the complex was prepared with the F(ab')2 fragment of IgG. Similar results occurred when nonphagocytizable Sephadex beads coated with immune complexes were employed. We conclude that particle binding to the Fc receptor of the macrophage plasma membrane is a sufficient stimulus for PGE synthesis.

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