
The lung may release prostacyclin (PGI2) in response to humoral or mechanical stimuli. We measured 6 keto-PGF1 alpha as an index of PGI2 production during serotonin (5-HT) infusion, elevated venous pressure (Pv), or increased blood flow (Q) in the isolated canine lower left lung lobe (LLL). Lobar vascular resistance (LVR) was partitioned into arterial (Ra), middle (Rm), and venous (Rv) components by arterial and venous occlusions. The infusion of 55-210 micrograms/min 5-HT (n = 9) was associated with concomitant increases in PGI2 production and dose-related increases in pulmonary arterial pressure (Pa) and LVR. 5-HT increased Ra at each infusion rate, whereas Rm was not changed and Rv was increased only at the highest infusion rate. When Pa was increased by stepwise elevations in Pv from 3.7 to 19.1 cmH2O (n = 8) or by increases in Q from 250 to 507 ml/min (n = 5) to match the Pa increase observed during 5-HT infusion, PGI2 production was not altered. Increases in Pv reduced LVR largely by decreasing Ra, whereas increases in Q reduced LVR without changing Ra, Rm, or Rv. Infusion of 5-HT when Pa was held constant by reduction in blood flow (n = 6) did not increase PGI2. Thus infusion of 5-HT at a normal blood flow rate increased PGI2 formation in the isolated blood-perfused dog lung lobe. The results also suggest that sustained mechanical effects related to increased venous pressure or elevated blood flow are not associated with a sustained elevation of PGI2 formation.

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