
Abstract: Urban planning is a tool that helps in managing the things that need a spatial approach and it also helps in conducting the other activities. While planning the urban cities the past and recent condition should also be taken into account for better result. But each and every one is concern about the growth and development, though tourism includes different sectors and have different criteria according to the place, but the impact factors are almost common in all the aspects of tourism. Tourism cities have tremendous potential of research in their filed, but the problem should be identified specifically and proper methodology should be used during their process the government policies should also be taken into account and based on that solution should be plan of such places. In short recognized the impacts and work on it and according to that the urban planning should be done to boost tourism sector to next level. Once the impacts are taken out and work on such impact are carried out than the development of such places will automatically goes on increasing and it help to keep the environment and that specific place neat and clean and also help it to grow it original and natural beauty. Nashik city in Maharashtra state is one of the oldest city which have most important historical ,culturally and religious importance and one of the city who hold kumbha mela and most of the people visit this city throughout the year and if the impacts are solved at it basic and ground level than the development may rapidly increase and gives better life to the surrounding environment.

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