
The vision of domestic scientists in the field of production of biofuels from agro-biomass has been investigated in the article. The volumes of rapeseed production and the geographical structure of the export of this crop have been determined. The need to find ways to ensure the energy independence of the agricultural sector through the use of bioenergy crops has been established. The need to form the clusters for the production of biodiesel fuel in the composition of scientific research institutions, agricultural formations and manufacturers of equipment for the production of biodiesel has been determined. The need for further improvement of rapeseed cultivation technologies by applying organic fertilizers (digestate) is argued, which will make it possible to increase the yield of this crop, and the use of biodiesel – to reduce the cost of production. The technology of biodiesel fuel production on the basis of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University was studied and its economic feasibility was ascertained. It has been confirmed that the competitive production of biodiesel can create favorable conditions for the cultivation and sale of agricultural products for agricultural enterprises, so they should make the necessary adjustments in the tactics and strategy of their economic activities. The potential of rapeseed for processing in the amount of 2.67 million tons for biodiesel was determined. It is noted that appropriate production will make it possible to produce technical glycerin, which is also in demand on the market among cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry manufacturers. It was concluded that the application of the proposed measures will make it possible to: increase the GDP by UAH 20.2 billion; ensure partial energy independence of the agricultural sector; create additional jobs in rural areas; partially load distilleries with orders for technical alcohol (methanol); provide the livestock industry with concentrated fodder in the form of rape cake; reduce the cost of agricultural production due to the partial replacement of diesel fuel with biodiesel; partially satisfy the needs of the other sectors of the economy in energy resources.

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