
The Upper Selemdzha minerogenic zone, which has the potential for noble metal mineralization in the Upper Amur, has been studied. It is confined to the thick strata of Paleozoic terrigeneous-sedimentary rocks (sandstones, siltstones, clay schists, packages of their thin rhythmical interlayering, sedimentary breccias, and conglomerates) in the Tokura subzone of the Selemdzha-Kerbinsk zone in the Amur-Okhotsk area of the Mongol-Okhotsk system, overlain by Early Cretaceous volcanogenic sedimentary rocks and intruded by Early Cretaceous quartz diorites, granodiorites, and dacites. In the Malomyr and Sagur-Semertak ore clusters, there are a few known potential deposits of noble metals and ore occurrences; when studied and prospected, they can exhibit vein-veinlet noble metal mineralization with rich contents of gold and platinoids in ore columns and metasomatic deposits.

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