
Nowadays the application tendency as material of anode grounding in systems of a cathodic protection of an underground metalwork of a ferrosilid, magnetite, graphite and some other materials is observed. Practically in all cases they are used together with activators on the basis of a coke breeze. The filling of activator considerably increases effectiveness of work of anode grounding conductors. Use of the activator reduces the speed of disolution of electrodes, reduces anode polarizability and resistance to a current spreading from a grounding conductor, prevents formation of the dense oxide layers on an anode surface. Use of the activator increases efficiency of anode grounding, the term of its service, and stabilizes current in system of a cathodic protection. There is a large number of various structures of activators of anode grounding conductors, but generally they contain three elements in various proportions: coke breeze, mineral component and, in certain cases, binding agent. Authors of the article offer the activator of anode grounding conductors on the basis of wastage of mining and processing industry – roasted pyrite. Chemical composition, physical properties and the mechanism of the chemical transformations in roasted pyrite leading to increase of endurance of anode grounding are given. The comparative analysis of roasted pyrite with the standard activator of anode grounding conductors is made. The possibility of use of roasted pyrite as the activator at cathodic protection of an underground metalwork is considered. Test data of various activators with application of a dynamically changing electrolytic potential method are provided. The design of a deep anode grounding conductor for systems of a cathodic protection with use of roasted pyrite as the activator is offered.

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