
Relevance. In modern conditions, in the interaction of Russia with foreign partners, there are trends towards changing traditional global value chains and changing logistics directions. In this connection, Russia needs to address the issue of expanding trade cooperation with new partners and the formation of more sustainable value chains.The purpose is identifying and evaluating the main foreign trade indicators that affect the cooperation of Russia and its regions with the countries of the African Continental Free Trade Area.Objectives: to analyze the volume and structure of Russia's foreign trade turnover with the countries of the African Continental Free Trade Area; determine the conditions that can contribute to the expansion of Russia's partnership with the countries of the African Continental Free Trade Area; to propose directions for the development of foreign trade relations between the regions of Russia and the countries of the African Continental Free Trade Zone (on the example of the Kursk region).Methodology. The study is based on the statistical collection and analysis of information on the volume, structure and dynamics of foreign trade with the countries of the African Continental Free Trade Area.Results. The analysis of the main indicators characterizing the mutual foreign trade of Russia and its regions with the countries of the African Continental Free Trade Area has been carried out. The main trading partners among African countries and the conditions for expanding partnerships with them have been identified.Conclusions. It is concluded that the countries of the African continental free trade zone are the main market for certain types of domestic agricultural products of the extractive and manufacturing industries, and Russian enterprises receive the raw materials they need from African countries. At the same time, the expansion of Russia's trade relations with African countries will be facilitated by the conclusion of agreements on the creation of free trade zones, primarily with Egypt, as the main trading partner.

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