
A promising task of landscaping is to replenish the quantitative species composition of ornamental plants in order to improve the botanical gardens and parks because they are of the key importance to modern urban greening. The current state of the directions of the use of ornamental and valuable plants of the genus Hemerocallis L. in the Podillia region has been studied to determine their prospects for the improvement of the park zone of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. Expanding the collection of annual flowering plants in green construction by preserving their gene pool will allow us to explore the selection of introduced species, varieties and hybrids adapted to the conditions of the growing zone with the development of modern principles of their use in landscaping according to the results of studies of existing and introduced plants of hybrid daylily (Hemerocallis hybrida hort.) It is proposed to use planting varieties and hybrids of these plants in Vinnytsia region, they are characterized by high criteria of morphological, economic and biological features. The most promising varieties of foreign selection have been studied to create a collection of daylilies on the basis of the architectural and exposition section of the Department of Forestry, Landscape and Gardening, Horticulture and Viticulture of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry. The recommendations on the use of promising cultivars of lilies of foreign selection in green construction are summarized, taking into account their biological, ecological and morphological features. It is researched that the study of varietal variety of lilies hybrid allows to significantly expand the knowledge about their adaptive properties and use in different directions of flowering of the Podillia area, as well as in selection work. It is determined that, from a scientific and practical point of view, the studied collection fund is promising for creating flower beds, ridges, lawn groups, mixborders and is a great material for creating garden compositions. It is proved that the expansion of variants of modern decorative compositions with their participation will give the Vinnytsia NAU park zone a more spectacularview.

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