
To meet the increasing social demand for improved patient safety and quality medical care in Korea, a pilot project of the hospitalist system in the field of internal medicine and surgery was initiated in 2016. Since the hospitalist system in the field of surgery in Korea should be based on the specific Korean medical environment, it is difficult to adopt a precedent model from other countries, and therefore a uniquely Korean operational model is necessary. Surgical hospitalists (surgeons working only within wards) in Korea are in charge of advanced primary care, perioperative care, and medical system care. Surgical hospitalists are able to care for older adult patients who have undergone a major operation to treat a highly severe condition. For inpatient care, the axis will need to shift from a trainee-centered structure to a surgical hospitalist-centered structure. This change will make possible the improvement of patient safety and quality medical care. The role of surgical hospitalists will extend not only to medical care, but also to education, academic activities, research, and related administrative aspects. To build a more stable and sustainable system, it is necessary to create a systemic operational foundation for proceeding with this new surgical hospitalist system.

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