
Crushing machines are part of the charge departments of blast-furnace and steel-making shops of metallurgical enterprises. One of the main indicator of the crushing process is its energy efficiency. It is determined by the mass of crushed material when consuming a unit of electricity. The article considers various methods of crushing brittle materials and the design of crushing machines for their implementation. The analysis of the crushers has shown that impact crushers are the most energy-efficient. However, due to a significant drawback (the yield of a suitable product is very small), they are practically not used in the metallurgical industry, in which high requirements are imposed on the finished product fractional composition. In the metallurgical industry, compression crushers are widely used with approximately the same specific energy intensity, that is, with the same energy consumption for the destruction of a unit volume of material of equal strength. Compression fracture is the most energy intensive crushing method known. In single-roll crushers, a piece of material is fed into the gap between a roll and a solid, stationary plate. During the operation a complex stress state is generated in the destructed material. Compressive forces act on a piece of crushed material, causing normal compressive stresses in it, and an internal torque, causing shear stresses. This is achieved by the reduction in energy on crushing by 20 – 30 % in comparison with crushers operating in compression (all other things are equal). The authors describe the design of a crusher, in which the destruction of the processed material occurs due to the forces acting on the crushed piece in one plane towards each other. In this case, only shear stresses arise in the processed piece. The use of crushers, in which the destruction of the processed material occurs due to generation of only tangential stresses in a piece, can reduce the energy consumption per unit of finished product by almost a half. The design of such crushers is a promising direction in the development of machines intended for crushing.

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