
It is now well-established that the elemental abundance patterns of stars hold key clues not only to their formation, but also to the assembly histories of galaxies. One of the most exciting possibilities is the use of stellar abundance patterns as "chemical tags" to identify stars that were born in the same molecular cloud. In this paper, we assess the prospects of chemical tagging as a function of several key underlying parameters. We show that in the fiducial case of 104 distinct cells in chemical space and stars in the survey, one can expect to detect groups that are overdensities in the chemical space. However, we find that even very large overdensities in chemical space do not guarantee that the overdensity is due to a single set of stars from a common birth cloud. In fact, for our fiducial model parameters, the typical overdensity is comprised of stars from a wide range of clusters with the most dominant cluster contributing only 25% of the stars. The most important factors limiting the identification of disrupted clusters via chemical tagging are the number of chemical cells in the chemical space and the survey sampling rate of the underlying stellar population. Both of these factors can be improved through strategic observational plans. While recovering individual clusters through chemical tagging may prove challenging, we show, in agreement with previous work, that different CMFs imprint different degrees of clumpiness in chemical space. These differences provide the opportunity to statistically reconstruct the slope and high-mass cutoff of CMF and its evolution through cosmic time.

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