
The study aims to determine the prospects for developing minapolitan area in Aceh Timur Regency. The method used in this study is survey method. The determination of the regency was carried out purposively, Aceh Timur Regency as an area of fsheries and cultivation minapolitan based on the decision of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35/KEPMEN-KP/2013. The results showed that the development of the minapolitan area in Aceh Timur Regency has potential to be developed based on the position of fsheries is on the international sea area, in the Indonesia-Thailand-Malaysia Cooperation Growth Triangle Area (IMT-GT) and the territorial waters including Fisheries Development Area I (FDA I) Andaman Sea-Malacca Strait, as well as fshery potential and fshery resources both in terms of fsheries area, infrastructure availability, fsh resources, fsheries human resources, fshing facilities, availability of cultivated land, markets, processing, institutions, and the opening of fshery product export market opportunities. Integration of government, banking and private institutions was expected to be able to solving the problems of fsheries and fshermen, empowerment of fshermen and fsh farmers, and encourage the development of integrated fsheries agroindustry in the minapolitan area.

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