
 As the media develops, there are many ways for Muslims to learn and spread the teachings of the
 Islamic religion. One of them is journalistic media such as print journalism, electronic journalism
 and online journalism. Journalism itself is an activity of s
 earching, processing, compiling, editing
 and presenting an event. The more media develops, the easier it is to access anywhere and by
 anyone. However, there are some people who abuse the function of the media, such as spreading
 fake news or hoaxes for cert
 ain group or personal purposes. Therefore, TV9 Surabaya was moved
 to create the Jurnal9 program by implementing benefit journalism. TV9 Surabaya is one of the
 local television stations in East Java which has a religious concept. Because almost all TV9
 rams contain Islamic elements. Observing the conditions above, researchers are interested in
 studying the application of Islamic journalism in the Jurnal9 program on TV9 Surabaya. The focus
 of the problem studied is how the journal9 production process is b
 ased on an Islamic perspective
 and what are the benefits of the journal9 program for the people of Surabaya. The aim of this
 research is to describe the journal9 production process from an Islamic perspective and to
 determine the benefits of thejournal9 pr
 ogram for the people of Surabaya. The research method
 used is qualitative with a case study approach. The data collection techniques use observation,
 interviews and documentation. The results of this research can be concluded that TV9 has
 implemented benef
 it journalism which can be equated with Islamic journalism. The journal9
 production process itself uses three stages, namely pre
 field, field, and post
 field. The Jurnal9
 program has the benefits of providing information, educating, persuading and entertai
 ning, but the
 benefit of Jurnal9 itself is more dominant in providing information.

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