
The Dolalak Lentera Jawa Dua Dance is the result of a dance work from Melania Sinaring Putri in 2014. The dance work was created as a form of order from the Purworejo district government. The process of creating the Dolalak Lentera Jawa Dua dance is based on the Dolalak dance style of the Purworejo tradition, namely: Dolalak Mlaranan, Dolalak Pesisiran and Dolalak Kalingesingan. The theory used to discuss the form of presentation in the form of dance elements uses the theory of Sumandiyo Y Hadi, while to discuss the process of creating the Dolalak Lentera Jawa Dua dance using Kartika Sony Dharsono, namely: personal, driving, process and product. The results of the research on the Javanese Lentera Dolalak dance. Two forms of dance created by the group. The combination of the three traditional Dolalak dance styles during the dance creation process by Melania. With changes in movements such as tempo and level, the costumes give the impression of a dashing, agile and firm dancer, supported by dancers moving energetically and femininely.

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