
One of the thinking skills needed in the 21st century is computational thinking skills. There are several factors that can affect students' computational thinking processes, including gender. The differences in the sexes of students allow for differences in computational thinking skills of each student. This research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach aimed to describe the computational thinking process of junior high school students in solving the problem of number patterns in terms of gender differences. This research was conducted in class VIII-G of SMPN 13 Surabaya.The subjects in this research were one male student and one female student. The results of this study are the process of thinking about the comparison of male and female student with high mathematical abilities through the installation of decomposition, introduction to patterns, algorithmic thinking and generalization of patterns and abstractions. Male student in the decomposition process chose to read over and over the problem solving problem. In the process of pattern recognition, he created rows and columns to recognize completion patterns and check again. In the process of thinking algorithms, he mentioned logical steps that are in accordance with the identified settlement patterns. In the process of generalizing patterns and abstractions, he written general patterns and conclusions answers to problem solving problems and is very sure of the answers obtained. Female student in the decomposition process, she read while underlining important information on problem solving problems. In the process of pattern recognition, she separated every important information that exists and unifies every information with the same characteristics to recognize the pattern of completion and re-check. In the process of thinking algorithms, she mentioned logical steps that are in accordance with the identified settlement patterns. In the process of generalizing patterns and abstractions, she written general patterns and conclusions answers to problem solving. Keywords : Computational Thinking, Number Patterns, Gender.


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Jawaban ke-i subjek perempuan terhadap pertanyaan peneliti. Berikut disajikan hasil tes kemampuan matematika dari 35 siswa. Keterangan x adalah nilai tes kemampuan matematika. Dari ketegori kemampuan matematika di atas, kemudian dipilih dua siswa dengan kemampuan matematika tinggi, satu siswa berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan satu siswa berjenis kelamin perempuan, dan dikonsultasikan kepada guru mata pelajaran perihal kemampuan komunikasi siswa. Berikut rincian subjek penelitian yang terpilih pada penelitian ini

Proses Berpikir Komputasi Siswa SMP
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