
The encyclopedia Mafatih al-ulum (Keys of Sciences) by Abu Abdullah al-Khorezmi was devoted to Abu-Hasan Uban-allah al-Utbi-the vizier of the Samanid emir Nuh II (365–387/975-977gg), where a concise explanation was given most common scientific terms for his time. This message is devoted to prosaic terminology, which are included in the eighth section of the fourth chapter, which is called ‘On the word usage of message secretaries’. The outcome of writing letters was based on the knowledge of the epistolary style and mastery of them. The following material is related to poetry in prose, where we include the conclusions of medieval scholars, such as Ibn al-Mu'tazaz, Kudama ibn Jafar, as well as the 12th-century Khorezm scholar Yusuf Al-Sakkaki. In the eighth section, the fourth chapter of the encyclopedia ―Mafatih al-ulum’ al-Khorezmi leads 21 categories. Of these, we consider 10 categories: tasji ’, tarsi’, ishtikak, isti'ara, tabdil, muqabala, al-muqabalat facade, mubalaga, irdaf, tamsil. Thus, the encyclopedia of the 10th century Central Asian Scientist Abu Abdallah al-Khorezmi Mafatih al-ulum is one of the first works in which terms from the humanities and exact sciences of the Middle Ages are collected. Of great literary value is also the eighth section IV of the first chapter of the encyclopedia devoted to prosaic terminology, which was used by the secretaries of the messages, and the study of which has theoretical and practical significance. Comparison of terms with the relevant sections of the compilation of ‘Miftah al-ulum’ by Yusuf al-Sakkaki, made it possible to more deeply reveal the meaning of each poetic term.

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