
Undoped and indium-doped ZnO thin films deposited by the Pyrosol process onto soda-lime glass substrates were electrically and optically characterized. Resistivities as low as 2×10 -3 Ω.cm. Hall mobilities as high as 21 cm 2 V -1 s -1 and effective carrier concentrations as high as 1 × 10 20 cm -3 have been obtained. Electron concentrations are always lowe than indium contents on the films. Average otpical transmissions on the whole visible range as high as 85% for the best conductive films have been obtained. Refractive index of layers is modified by the growth temperature and indium doping, been less dependent on doping for high deposition temperatures (better crystallinity). Haacke's figure of merit up to 5 × 10 -3 Ω -1 in a 500 nm thick films were obtained. Indium doping improves the time-dependent stability of the electrical properties of ZnO conducting films

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